The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Game Cheats Xbox 360 (2025)

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The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Game Cheats Xbox 360 (2)

  • Walking Dead Survival Instinct Pc
  • Xbox 360 Walking Dead Cheats
  • Walking Dead Instincts Survival Game

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct for Xbox 360.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page,. For The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs has 59 cheat codes and secrets. There are no The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct cheats on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U & PC yet. So until they are discovered, we made the handy The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct guides listed above to help you with tips and tricks for the game!

  • Relics

RelicHow to unlock
  • Bigger Clips
  • Complete the game once with Mia in your party.
  • Crossbow/Assault Rifle
  • Complete the game once, you'll be able to use these from the beginning of the game.
  • Faster Stronger
  • Complete the game once with Sheila in your party.
  • Item Boost
  • Complete the game once with Swenson in your party.
  • Marksman Boost
  • Complete the game once with Harrison in your party.
  • Melee Boost
  • Complete the game once with Jane in your party.
  • Silenced Weapons
  • Complete the game once with Blake in your party.
  • Stealth Movement
  • Complete the game once with Warren in your party.
  • Survivor Success
  • Complete the game once with Noah in your party.
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • Unlock every relic(perk) to unlock this.

Walking Dead Survival Instinct Pc

  • Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
  • BOOM! Who Needs a Headshot? (15 points)
  • Kill 5 Walkers with One Explosion.
  • Been Everywhere (50 points)
  • Complete All Marked Destinations on the Map.
  • Crash Course in Brain Surgery (25 points)
  • Kill 100 Walkers while Grappling.
  • Down to My Last (15 points)
  • Complete the Game with Only 1 Firearm and 1 Bullet Left in Your Inventory.
  • Duct Tape Can Fix Anything (10 points)
  • Survive 5 Breakdowns.
  • Every Man, Woman and Child (30 points)
  • Choose to Travel at Least Once with Every Optional Survivor.
  • Extreme Conditioning (10 points)
  • Sprint Until You're Exhausted 10 Times in One Level.
  • Get Out of Dodge (30 points)
  • Complete the Final Marked Destination on the Map.
  • Good Samaritan (30 points)
  • Complete 25 Optional Objectives.
  • Group Hug (5 points)
  • Kill 4 Walkers in a Single Grapple Sequence.
  • Guys Night Out (20 points)
  • Arrive at Final Destination with Only Male Survivors.
  • Have a Nice Trip! (20 points)
  • Kill a Walker That Is Falling Due to Dismemberment.
  • I Can Handle This Myself (30 points)
  • Enter Sherwood Without Any Survivors.
  • I Used to Be a Human Like You (5 points)
  • Shoot a Walker in the Knee with a Bolt.
  • It's Gotta Be the Brain (45 points)
  • Dismember All Limbs of 5 Walkers.
  • It's Not Venison, but It'll Do (10 points)
  • Consume 50 MREs.
  • Mind if I Borrow This? (15 points)
  • Pull a Bolt From a Walker Then Kill Them With It.
  • Moving to the 'Burbs (20 points)
  • Complete the Third Act.
  • Need More Spots Up Front (35 points)
  • Dismember 250 Limbs.
  • Need a Hand? (5 points)
  • Prevent a Walker from Damaging You by Severing Its Attacking Limb.
  • Next Step: Bullet Belt (15 points)
  • Fire 300 Bullets.
  • No Down Payments (30 points)
  • Find Every Useable Vehicle.
  • No Stone Left Unturned (50 points)
  • Collect Every Stuffed Squirrel.
  • Nobody Can Kill Merle but Merle (15 points)
  • Complete the Second Act.
  • Not a Scratch (30 points)
  • Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Taking Any Damage.
  • Now Don't You Get Bit! (30 points)
  • Prevent 50 Walkers from Grabbing You.
  • Oedipal Complex (5 points)
  • Complete the First Location.
  • On the Road Again (5 points)
  • Explore an Unmarked Travel Location.
  • Ooh, Shiny! (15 points)
  • Distract 50 Walkers with Items.
  • Porcupine (15 points)
  • Shoot a Walker with 10 Bolts without Killing It.
  • Rosie the Rampager (20 points)
  • Arrive at Final Destination with Only Female Survivors.
  • Say Hello to My Little Friend (10 points)
  • Complete a Marked Map Destination Using Only Firearms.
  • Sneak Attack (35 points)
  • Perform Execution Kills on 50 Walkers.
  • Sorry, Brother (10 points)
  • Complete the First Act.
  • Stay Together, Stay Safe (10 points)
  • 5 Survivors Were Killed While Scavenging.
  • Still Not Buying a Hybrid (10 points)
  • Consume 250 Fuel.
  • That Looks Like It Hurt (30 points)
  • Restore Survivors 25 Times.
  • That's a Nice Swing You've Got (15 points)
  • Kill Walkers Using Every Melee Weapon.
  • The Hunted Becomes the Hunter (10 points)
  • Killed 5 Walkers in the Cabot Ridge Creek Bed.
  • The Missing 8 (50 points)
  • Find Every Poster.
  • They Know Me at the Range (15 points)
  • Kill Walkers Using Every Ranged Weapon.
  • They're People, Too! (30 points)
  • Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Killing a Walker.
  • This Is How Hot Dogs Are Made (10 points)
  • 10 Walkers Killed with Saw Blades in the Logging Camp.
  • True Dixon (25 points)
  • Complete a Marked Destination on the Map Using Only the Crossbow.
  • Two Heads Are Better Than One (5 points)
  • Kill Multiple Walkers with One Bullet.
  • We Survive by Pulling Together (5 points)
  • Recruit 1 Optional Survivor.
  • You're Doing It Wrong (10 points)
  • Perished 13 Times.
  • You're Just Not My Type (10 points)
  • Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Being Grabbed by a Walker.
  • Zig-Zagging All Over the Road (50 points)
  • Explore 25 Unmarked Travel Locations.


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System: Xbox 360*, PS3
Dev: Terminal Reality
Pub: Activision
Release: March 19, 2013
Players: 1
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080pBlood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language

I really wanted to like Terminal Reality's take on a Walking Dead game. Being a fan of the AMC television series, I was hopeful that we'd see another winner, like we did with Telltale's version. Sadly, my hopes were crushed by a mediocre, weakly structured, and sparsely featured title.

You start the game as Daryl's Father, on a hunting trip in the woods of Georgia. The opening sequence is muddled and confusing, and launches directly from the title sequence (which is very similar to the show intro) into the gameplay. The next scene is a poorly constructed and immensely boring tutorial stage that has Daryl's dad dying a scripted death at the end. It's just completely unnecessary. The worst part of all this is that the game doesn't really get any better from here.

The premise of The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts sounds great on paper. Set as a prequel to the AMC TV series, the game puts you into the shoes of fan-favorite character Daryl and sends you off to find your brother in the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, as in most licensed games, Survival Instinct just takes advantage of the Walking Dead name and makes little attempt to offer anything of value. It's just another cookie-cutter FPS, capitalizing on the success of the show it's based upon.

Daryl is voiced by none other than Norman Reedus, and Michael Rooker reprises his role Daryl's redneck brother, Merle. Unfortunately, the voice talent is the best part of this entire game; if it weren't for the occasional quips from Darryl and Merle, Survival Instinct may have had no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Graphically, this game doesn't hold up to current industry standards, looking almost like it came from the PS2 era. With Activision's endlessly deep pockets backing this one, there's just no excuse for visuals that are this downright lazy. Character models were re-used to the point of being ridiculous. The levels were littered with stale, generic set pieces. Light tore through textures in corners of rooms that were supposed to be entirely dark. Walkers were able to magically show through walls, sometimes leaving floating arms or half a head sticking through a barrier. It's all so cheaply done that it becomes almost painful to look at.

– At one point in the game, Kim asks for some comfort over some earrings she lost, recalling an iconic moment on KUWTK when the real Kim mourned over an earring she lost in the ocean.– Other than Kim herself, the game is filled with veiled celebrity cameos. Kim kardashian game adoption cheat.

And the gameplay is a chore. A major game mechanic is an execution-style knife to the head, which can only be executed from behind, forcing you to sneak up on your prey. Apparently, Daryl forgets how to use his knife effectively as soon as a zombie turns to face him, and it will take three or four slashes to take down an eater. If the show has taught us anything, it's that penetration is everything, and not being able to take down a zombie with a single stab to the eye-socket just feels wrong.

The stage layouts are extremely linear, with very few places to explore and find supplies. Invisible barriers show up everywhere, and being unable to skirt around dangerous areas to avoid the zombie horde forced me into decisions I would never have made otherwise. For example, I often had to forego stealth altogether and just sprint past the undead toward my objective. This may have been an effective strategy, but it's also an intensely boring one.

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Xbox 360 Walking Dead Cheats

The saddest part about the game design is that there are some interesting features that just never become useful. When completing a level, you have a choice between paths to your next destination. There are just two choices, and the differences between them are trivial at best. Ultimately, these choices don't matter at all, because they only affect that particular leg of the journey and have no long-term consequences. In short, it's a deceptive structure designed to make the stages feel less linear than they actually are. And it doesn't even work.

One thing that sounded cool to me at first was that players have the chance to break down or run out of fuel on the open road. Basically, you have three choices when starting a road trip: taking the back roads, normal streets, or the highway. If you choose the slower travel type of back roads, you have a higher fuel consumption rate but a lower chance of breaking down. Highways use less fuel with a higher chance of breaking down, and normal streets lands somewhere in the middle. This seemed like an excellent game mechanic, until I actually experienced it firsthand.

Walking Dead Instincts Survival Game

Somehow, every time you break down or run out of gas, you do so within 50 feet of a gas station or a highway campsite. These side levels are tiny, containing everything you need to move on, and they take very little effort to complete. Not to mention that they all look eerily similar.

The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Game Cheats Xbox 360 (3)


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    The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Game Cheats Xbox 360 (2025)
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